Uncc notetaker
Uncc notetaker

In very rare cases an attendance accommodation may not be feasible. The instructor and the student should discuss the specifics of a flexible attendance policy. missed notes, greater difficulty in understanding the material). DS counselors meet with students to discuss the potential implications of missing class (i.e. The student is responsible for contacting faculty EACH TIME class is missed due to a disability, unless hospitalized or otherwise not physically able. Students with some disabilities, such as chronic illness or mobility difficulties, may miss class as a result. Requests for large print will be outlined as part of the student's Accommodation Letter. Some students require larger than 18 point font, however. Large print typeface is equivalent to 18 point font. Thus, a DS staff member may require that faculty provide course materials in advance. Depending on the specific alternative text format conversion can be a slow, time consuming process. DS works with the student and the instructor to ensure that course materials are available in an appropriate format for the student.

uncc notetaker

Common alternate formats include enlarged texts, recorded texts, electronic texts or brailed course materials. Some students require course materials in alternate formats. Students will work with instructor(s) to determine an appropriate time frame for viewing materials. Instructors can post the materials using online software, make copies of the materials and distribute these copies to students or place copies of the material on reserve in a library. Students with disabilities may need course materials that are displayed on overhead projectors or Power Point slides available for review. Common Accommodations Access to PowerPoint Presentations

Uncc notetaker